Release Notes
May 31, 2023

We fixed the bug where pre-vitals notes were not showing. We also limited the special characters that can be used when adding notes to limit some observed issues with pushing chart notes over to your EMR.
We also updated the chart note presentation to make bag switches and bag/line switches more clear. Instead of including a monitor note the note will start with Switch Type and include the bag that is being switched to along with the new drip rate. This makes clear the times when each protocol is started and stopped.

We also added the option to change the default sterilization method per location.
April 19, 2023

We have added the ability for practices to add custom checkboxes in Pre-Vitals, Start, Post-Vitals and End. These checkboxes can have custom labels and custom text to transfer over to chart notes. We also have the option to default these as checked or unchecked to match your workflow. You can also use these custom checkboxes and not export to the chart note if you are just reinforcing a standard operating procedure but do not need to document this in the chart note.
January 16, 2023

Maximum Limit is now enabled to input a maximum volume of a single injectable into a base protocol or a custom patient protocol. When creating or editing a protocol any values above the maximum limit for this injectable will show as an error.